The once-inevitable Hillary-for-President juggernaut has run aground, having lost ten consecutive nominating contests to Barack Obama. While reports of her political death are premature, she's definitely on the verge of "snow ball's chance" territory.
No doubt the punditocracy will offer a myriad of reasons for her failure. These will include:
--poor planning, especially failing to consider the possibility that she would not have the nomination clinched by February 5th "Super Tuesday" contests.
--hubris; to wit, blowing off smaller states and caucuses, where Obama's fine ground organization beat her like a bastard stepchild.
--her husband and his ham-handed and overtly racist efforts on her behalf. America's so-called "first black president" has shown a streak of all-too-typical Arkansas cracker.
--Obama's many appealing qualities, combined with just enough residual White Guilt.
--Good old fashioned Sexism; for instance, the many characterizations of her laugh as a "cackle."
To these, I say, no, no, no. NO! While there's no doubt that some of the above dynamics have plaid a role in the decline of the Clinton campaign, the main thing working against her is George W. Bush.
As has been duly noted, were Hillary Clinton to win the presidency and serve two terms, that would mean a Bush or Clinton had been president for 28 consecutive years. And that's not even counting Bush-the-Elder's two terms as Vice President.
Our nation was founded in a war against a monarchy, and the Shrub's failed presidency has reminded us all of the dangers of hereditary dynasties.
There are something like 300 million Americans, and at least 299 million of them are not named Clinton or Bush.
The definition of insanity is not merely doing the same thing over and over--it's doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
And so it will be a cold day in Hell before I vote for anyone named Clinton or Bush.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
No more Bushes, no more Clintons
chelsea clinton,
george w. bush,
hillary clinton,
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